Anxiety, depression and stress in the medical staff
Anxiety, depression, stress, medical staffAbstract
I chose this research topic, because I consider it to be topical, the medical system being a very important field in society. Also, stress, depression, anxiety and job satisfaction are concepts that over time have become increasingly debated in the literature, which has shaped my interest in addressing this topic. The purpose of this research was to provide an extensive view of the mental health of medical staff, who work in the general surgery department of a public hospital in Romania. Among the objectives of the study are: verifying the existence of correlations between stress, depression, anxiety and job satisfaction, among the staff working in the medical field; verifying the existence of a significant difference in the prevalence of depression according to gender in the investigated population; identifying the degree of depression that affects the investigated medical staff, but also identifying the relationship between the level of occupational stress and depressive reactions in the medical staff.