Diversity management, a national strategie to figh discrimination in school environement


  • Mihaela Elena Vîlcu Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences


diversity, management, discrimination risk


The problem of discrimination in the educational system and the concerns for managing the diversity of actors involved in school environement, teachers and students, are obvious and very popular. Prestigious education systems have carried out a lot of research on the prevention and reduction of discrimination risk in schools. Harassment, bullying, victimization, or gender discrimination exposes the poor, and the marginalized according to the criteria of race, ethnicity, religion, culture etc. Our research is based on a pedagogical experiment which took place at “Ion Creangă” School, Albești, Constanța County during 12 weeks, using a thematic project that involved a group of 41 students from the 5th and 6th grades, and two of their teachers. The activities the activities were designed to be performed within the disciplines Critical Thinking and The Children Rights and Intercultural Education. The sample the sample was chosen according to family structure, socio-cultural profile, and ethnicity.




How to Cite

Vîlcu, M. E. (2017). Diversity management, a national strategie to figh discrimination in school environement. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 8(2), 74–101. Retrieved from https://bspsychology.ro/index.php/BSJoP/article/view/129