Psychosocial conflict in the marital couple
Conflict, social, coupleAbstract
From birth to death, human relationships are the center of human experience. Social psychologists try to observe the variety of interpersonal relationships to discover the principles on which relationships in general are based. Really, however, the individual is formed as a human being only in the sociocultural context, to whose norms and values he will continue to relate throughout his life, and in his mind there will always be another as a landmark, as a model or as an opponent. Society, in turn, is made up of individuals who interact, who set goals and act to achieve them, who associate, cooperate or are in conflict. Specific to social psychology is the fact that it proposes another reading grid, simultaneously addressing both terms of the individual-society couple.
Interpersonal relationships are characterized by reciprocity and relationship awareness. In an interpersonal relationship, each participant encompasses in the field of his consciousness both himself and his partner, as well as the elements of the common environment. The behavior of each participant becomes a stimulus for the behavior of the other, so they regulate each other.
Being a beloved subject among poets, love is now, to the same extent, a famous subject for scientific research. Until recently, many social psychologists were of the opinion, at least in terms of the message behind their statements, that the study of love was considered unscientific, especially because it is a phenomenon that is difficult to observe systematically. . More recently, psychologists have changed this view and offered numerous theories to explain love. Given the importance of love in people's most intimate relationships, how it influences marriage and divorce (or marital conflict), understanding love proves to be crucial to the importance of human society.