2positive Thinking - Between Acceptations And Limits


  • Florena Antonescu Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania


positive thinking, critical thinking, well-being, self-esteem


The main idea of ​​this article lies in the personal concern for the more and more obvious inducement for “positive thinking” and the way in which its consequences affect our life and well-being. It is obvious that a whole “industry” has been created around this concept, represented by libraries full of motivational literature, trainings and courses in which the illusion of unlimited power is promoted. As many authors argued, taking distance from assumption in different life contexts, the ease with which one borrows the life compass of the one next to us, only because it mostly indicates the pleasant aspect of things, ignoring in a total shadow the life’s concrete reality, all this takes us away from the personal way of evaluation, from the right to ask ourselves what fits with our own design and what does not.  I aim to gain a deeper and more realistic understanding of positive thinking, how it influences certain aspects of life, as well as its overall quality, to consolidate a realistic opinion as close as possible to the existence of everyday life without forcely demystifying the ideas that have been built around this type of thinking and rather provide support in understanding and accessing the benefits that positive thinking entails. Another important aspect that I intend to observe through the present article is the supporting element of positive thinking, namely faith. This connection, between positive thinking and the intensity of religious sentiment, will be highlighted by the confirmation of the hypothesis I proposed for research.




How to Cite

Antonescu, F. (2022). 2positive Thinking - Between Acceptations And Limits. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 24–36. Retrieved from https://bspsychology.ro/index.php/BSJoP/article/view/186