The personality profile of policemen and its impact on work mentality


  • Floricica Mariana Călin Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Mirela-Daniela Petre Independent Researcher


policemen, work mentality, personality profile


In this research, you will find about the personality profile of policemen and its impact on work mentality differences of work mentality. The tests were applied to a group of 60 police officers from Brăila, the subjects being predominantly men. The group was divided into 30 borderline policemen and 30 forensic technicians, aged between 28 and 53, and with between 6 and 30 years of work experience. Given the presented, the objectives of the paper are: to find out the personality differences between the 2 specializations, from the point of view of the Big 5 facets and how they influence the work mentality. Following the statistical calculations, all objectives were achieved, all hypotheses being valid. There are significant differences in the dimensions of autonomy and fulfillment and determinations, border policemen having significantly higher scores. In terms of correlations, work mentality correlated positively with conscientiousness, scores obtained by both specializations.                                                            




How to Cite

Călin, F. M. ., & Petre, M.-D. . (2022). The personality profile of policemen and its impact on work mentality. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 37–51. Retrieved from