The Role of Memorization Activities in Language Development in Preschool Children


  • Claudia Sălceanu Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Laura Manda Traian Professional School, The Kindergarten with Normal Program Traian, Romania


Memorization, language, preschool children


Preschool age is an important and decisive stage in terms of stimulating and optimizing communication skills and cognitive abilities. Language education is the main concern of teachers in preschool education, on both the formative and informational dimension. The formation of correct expression skills begins in kindergarten. The role of the educator is to help the children to have a correct, clear, and precise expression. The instructive-educational process involves the enrichment of new knowledge and is an action of memory development. The main activity of the pre-schooler is playing and through this activity he learns about the world and about himself. Thus, the major objective of the educational communication achieved in the educational process is the formation and development of the general capacities of communication, of relation with the peers and with the environment of which they are part. A sample of 15 children, aged 4, were part of a pedagogical experiment regarding the impact of memorization in the development of language skills. Established tests, adapted on Romanian population were used in both an initial and final assessment. The hypotheses assumed the existence of differences in the evolution of prerequisites of schooling, cognitive skills, language, and memory between the two assessments. The screenings were answered by both parents and teacher and improvements were registered and discussed in the context of human development and of the impact of the ameliorative programme proposed by the teacher.




How to Cite

Sălceanu, C., & Manda , L. (2022). The Role of Memorization Activities in Language Development in Preschool Children. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 52–63. Retrieved from