Optimization of inter-knowledge in the class of students


  • Cristian Petre Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Mariana Floricica Călin Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Diana-Rodica Munteanu Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Alexandra-Elena Oprea Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences


inter-knowledge, collaborative methods, group activity, self-knowledge


Optimizing the inter-knowledge within the group is of great importance for the performance and productivity of the students. The existence of positive preferential relationships between students allows the affinities to favour collaborations and induce a relaxed working atmosphere. The article is a survey about the perspective of the teachers on the inter-knowledge of their students and the benefits that can reside in applications of collaborative methods to boost the inter-knowledge.




How to Cite

Petre, C., Călin, M. F., Munteanu, D.-R., & Oprea, A.-E. . (2023). Optimization of inter-knowledge in the class of students. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 14(1), 73–85. Retrieved from https://bspsychology.ro/index.php/BSJoP/article/view/222