Verbal bullying. A comprehensive mental image of primary school students


  • Cristian Petre Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Izabela Nicolae Independent Researcher


verbal bullying, teasing, rumor


The study aims to identify the set of mental images that young schoolchildren associate with bullying as comprehensive mental images of primary school students. In relation/derivative of this intention is the methodological design which has as a key element a survey approach based on the questionnaire. The main hypothesis of the investigation can be stated as follows: verbal bullying is a common practice in the school experiences of primary school students. 30 third-grade students were involved in the research. The obtained results confirm some of the formulated hypotheses, allowing the representation of a relevant image associated by students with verbal bullying.




How to Cite

Petre, C., & Nicolae, I. (2024). Verbal bullying. A comprehensive mental image of primary school students. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 15(2), 149–157. Retrieved from