Communication, an index of organizational performance


  • Raluca Simion Hinoveanu Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Mihaela Rus
  • Mihaela Luminita Sandu


communication, index, performance, organization


Communication is the modeling of a common world, through a combined action. This common perspective does not mean a simple convergence of personal points of view, but the fact that the partners build together the common place (rules rules), from which starting they will relate to each other, will relate to the world and organize their actions together. There are presented, in this sense, some ways, the most common, of staff appreciation. The emphasis is on modern evaluation techniques, on the mechanisms that underlie their implementation. The issue is also addressed in terms of the usefulness and benefit that an appraisal system can bring to an organization.A possible direction of rethinking communication to the level of its conditions of possibility is provided by the programs of conversation theory.Another problem, encountered in some organizations, is that of employee selection, training and professional development.A special emphasis must be placed on understanding the structure of the human personality, exemplified by the dynamics of creative work, by analyzing professional success and failure.As long as there is good communication, there is maximum efficiency, but if it is missing, dissensions can be reached. The operation of a larger group is based on the network that connects different parts of it and ensures its coherence.




How to Cite

Simion Hinoveanu, R., Rus, M., & Sandu, M. L. (2020). Communication, an index of organizational performance. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 11(2), 6–27. Retrieved from