The situation of professional integration of young people and adults with disabilities through the supported employment system


  • Mircea Damian Totolan Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Mariana Colasiz Independent Researcher
  • Vlad-Alexandru Cioranu Independent Researcher



The general purpose of this research is to assess the level of social and professional integration of a sample of graduates with disabilities coming from the School Center for Inclusive Education "Albatros" Constanta who benefit from supported employment. In this regard, with the support of the school management, former principals, the two teachers-psycho-pedagogues and the social worker, we started identifying and collecting this information using as working methods and techniques: biographical method (anamnesis and catamnesis), analysis of school and archival documents, conversation and survey method based on the questionnaire technique (Social and Professional Integration Assessment Questionnaire - ISP) and administered a scale from a questionnaire of personality that measures the facet "happiness".




How to Cite

Totolan, M. D. ., Colasiz, M., & Cioranu, V.-A. (2023). The situation of professional integration of young people and adults with disabilities through the supported employment system. The „Black Sea” Journal of Psychology, 14(3), 78–89.