The relationship between spatial orientation and attention in construction workers
The choice of this study was influenced by the relevance and dynamism of the construction industry, a continuously expanding and important sphere in the industrial context. The dynamics of the construction sector, manifested by the constant demand for innovative structures and the desire of individuals to live in spaces that reflect the latest trends, generate fierce competition among investors to propose novel architectural solutions. This situation is driving construction professionals to constantly improve their skills and adapt to new challenges. This study highlights the importance of comprehensively investigating the skills of construction workers, particularly in terms of spatial and concentration skills, which are essential for performance in this profession. From a structural perspective, the dissertation addresses two fundamental dimensions: a theoretical framework and an applied component. The applied section is divided into a chapter on research methodology, where key concepts such as study objectives and hypotheses, sample selection according to established criteria, research design and applicable ethical norms are elucidated, and a chapter focusing on data analysis and interpretation, which encompasses a detailed examination of the hypotheses and culminates in relevant psychological interpretations.